가공(加工) processing, manufacturing
가공미삼(加工尾蔘) processed tail ginseng
가공백삼(加工白蔘) processed white ginseng
가공인삼(加工人蔘) processed ginseng
가당(加糖) sugaring
가루깍지벌레 mealybug
가뭄 drought
가미절편삼(加味切片蔘) seasoned sliced ginseng
가비중(假比重) bulk density
가삼(家蔘) cultivated ginseng
가설(架設) installation, establishment, erection
가소성(可塑性) plastic, plasticity
가수분해(加水分解) hydrolysis
가수분해물(加水分解物) hydrolysate
가수분해효소(류)(加水分解酵素(類) hydrolase(s)
가식부(可食部) edible portion
가역반응(可逆反應) reversible reaction
가열(加熱) heating
가열살균(加熱殺菌) heat sterilization (멸균)
가용성(可溶性) soluble
가용성고형물(可溶性固形物) soluble solids
가용성녹말(可溶性綠末) soluble starch
가인삼(假人蔘) pseudoginseng,Panax pseudoginseng Wall
가토(加土) banking, soil additive
가편삼(加片蔘) ginseng for weight adjustment
가포장(假包裝) prepackaging
각경(脚徑) branch root diameter
각부(脚部) leg part, branch root part
각장(脚長) branch root length
각질화(角質化) cornification
간이검정(簡易檢定) sample test, quick test
간인(間引) thinning
갈변(褐變) browning
갈변반응(褐變反應) browning reaction
갈잎(褐葉) oak leaves
감염(感染) infection
감자썩이선충 potato rot nematode
갑삼(甲蔘) best grade ginseng seedling, top quality ginseng seedling
강상삼칠(姜狀三七) Ginger ginseng,Panax zingiberensis C. Y. Wuet Feng
강설(降雪) snowfall
강설량(降雪量) amount of snowfall
강우(降雨) rainfall
강우량(降雨量) amount of rainfall
강장제(强壯劑) roborant, tonic
개갑(開匣) dehiscence, stratification
개갑장(開匣場) stratified place
개갑종자(開匣種子) stratified seed,dehiscent seed
개갑처리(開匣處理) stratifying
개량일복(改良日覆) improved shade
개량장척(改良長尺) improved planting ruler
개량제(改良劑) conditioner
개약(開葯) anther dehiscence
개체군(個體群) population
개체변이(個體變異) individual variation
개체선발(個體選拔) individual selection
개화(開花) flowering anthesis, blossoming
개화기(開花期) flowering stage, blooming period (season, time)
개화순서(開花順序) flowering order
객토(客土) soil dressing, soil conditioning
거세미 cutworm
거치(鋸齒) serra
거치상(鋸齒狀) serrate
건물(乾物) dry matter
건물중(乾物重) dry weight
건삼(乾蔘) dried ginseng
건조(乾燥) drying, dehydration, desiccation
건조기(乾燥機) dryer, dehydrator
건조비율(乾燥比率) ratio of curing
검거세미나방 black cutworm
검사(檢査) inspection
검사원(檢査員) judge, panel (=panelist), subject
검정(檢定) assay, testing, indexing
검정종자(檢定種子) test seed
검정포(檢定圃) test plot
결실(結實) fruiting, bearing,seeding-setting
결실율(結實率) seed setting percentage, seed setting rate
결주(缺株) missing plant, vacant hill
결주율(缺株率) missing rate,percent missing plant
결핍증(缺乏症) deficiency disease, deficiency symptom
경(莖) stem
경도(硬度) hardness, firmness, solidity
경도계(硬度計) hardness tester (meter)
경사(傾斜) slope
경사도(傾斜度) slope angle
경사지(傾斜地) slope land
경수(莖數) number of stem
경엽(莖葉) leaf and stem
경운(耕耘) plowing, tillage
경장(莖長) stem length
경종법(耕種法) cultivation method, cultural practices
경직경(莖直徑) stem diameter
경토(耕土) cultivated soil, arable land (soil)
경화(硬化) hardening
경흔(莖痕) stem scar
계분(鷄糞) poultry feces, chicken manure
계통(系統) line
계통분리(系統分離) line separation
계통선발(系統選拔) pedigree selection
계통육종법(系統育種法) pedigree breeding method
고년근(高年根) aged root
고랑(溝部) furrow, crease
고랑배수 furrow drain
고랑폭(溝幅) furrow width, ditch width
고려삼(高麗蔘) Korean red ginseng
고려인삼(高麗人蔘) Korean ginseng
고미(苦味) bitterness
고사(枯死) blight
고사율(枯死率) withering rate
고사포닌 high saponin content
고설법(高說法) upper (above) ground stratifying
고엽(枯葉) dead leaf
고엽제거(枯葉除去) removing of stem and leaf
고온(高溫) high temperature
고온장해(高溫障害) heat (high temperature) injury
고죽(枯竹) dead stem, die-back stem
고토비료(苦土肥料) magnesium fertilizer
고풍(高豊) Gopoong
고형물(固形物) solids
고형분(固形分) soil content, dry solid
고휴(高畦) high ridge
고휴재배(高畦栽培) high ridge cultivation
곡간답(谷間沓) paddy in the valley
곡삼(曲蔘) curved ginseng
골가토(列加土) row banking
골분(骨粉) powdered bones
곰팡이(絲狀菌) fungus, mould
공기전염(空氣傳染) air-borne
공동(空胴) inside-cavity
공물인삼(貢物人蔘) tributary ginseng
공시재료(供試材料) testing materials
공시품종(供試品種) testing varieties
공정(工程) process
과(果) fruit
과(科) family
과경(果徑) fruit diameter
과립(顆粒) granule, grain
과색(果色) fruit color
과실(果實) fruit
과육(果肉) flesh, sarcocarp, fruit flesh
과중(果重) fruit weight
과피(果皮) peel, fruit skin, pericarp
과형(果形) fruit shape
관능검사(官能檢査) organoleptic test, sensory evaluation (test)
관수(灌水) irrigation
관주(灌注) drench
관행(慣行) conventional practices
관행시비(慣行施肥) conventional (traditional) fertilization
관행육종(慣行育種) conventional (traditional) breeding
관행재배(慣行栽培) conventional culture
관행해가림 conventional shade, straw shading
광엽(廣葉) broad (wide) leaf
광폭재배(廣幅栽培) wide ridge (bed) cultivation
교배(交配) mating, crossing
교잡육종(交雜育種) cross breeding
국제식량농업기구(國際食糧農業機構) FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN)
국제식품규격위원회(國際食品規格委員會) Codex
균핵(菌核) screrotium
균핵병(菌核病) screrotinia rot, white rot
근부병(根腐病) root rot
근비대(根肥大) root thickening
근장(根長) root length
근중(根重) root weight
근형(根形) root shape
금풍(金豊) Kumpoong
기내번식(器內繁殖) in vitro propagation
기본식물(基本植物) breeder’s seed, breeder’s stock
기주식물(寄主植物) host plant
기지(忌地) soil sickness
기지현상(忌地現象) sickness of soil
길항균(拮抗菌) antagonist
길항물질(拮抗物質) antagonist, antagonistic substance
길항작용(拮抗作用) antagonistic action, antagonism
꺼치 rice straw thatch, rice straw mat
꽃대 flower stalk, peduncle
난발삼(亂髮蔘) ginseng root of disheveled-hair shape
내공(內空) inside cavity
내백(內白) internal white, inside white
내성(耐性) tolerance
내염성(耐鹽性) salt resistance
내한성(耐旱性) drought tolerance, water stress resistance
냉해(冷害) chilling injury, cold weather damage
노랑병 leaf discoloration
노지(露地) open field, bare ground
녹비작물(綠肥作物) green manure crop
논재배인삼 culture of ginseng in paddy-field
농산물위해요소(農産物危害要素) ago-products hazard analysis
농산물이력추적제(農産物履瀝追跡制) traceability
농약잔류(農藥殘留) pesticide residue
농약잔류허용기준(農藥殘留許容基準) maximum residue limit
뇌두(腦頭) rhizome
누수(漏水) water leaking
다경(多莖) multi-stem
다년생식물(多年生植物) perennial plant
다량요소(多量要素) macronutrient, major nutrient
다비재배(多肥栽培) heavy fertilizing culture
다수성(多收性) high yielding property
다수확재배(多收穫栽培) high yielding culture
단각(單脚) single branch root
단간(短稈) short culm (stature)
단간종(短稈種) short-culm variety
단경(單莖) monopodium, single stem
단립구조(單粒構造) singular structure
단열재(斷熱材) insulating material
달래삼 rocambole-shape ginseng seedling
담수(湛水) soil submerging, flooding, water-logged
답전윤환(沓田輪換) paddy and dry (upland) rotation
당인삼(糖人蔘) sweetened ginseng
대두박(大豆粕) soybean cake, soybean meal
대립종(大粒種) large seed
대미(大尾) big tail root
대미각(大尾脚) big tail branch root
대편(大片)삼 big root (piece)
도리깨병 phytophthora blight
도리목 purlin wood
도복(倒伏) lodging
도장(徒長) overgrowth, spindly growth
동결건조(凍結乾燥) freeze drying
동상해(凍霜害) frost injury
동장(胴長) main body length, taproot length
동체(胴體) taproot, main body
동할(胴割) notched-belly, cracking
동할삼(胴割蔘) notched ginseng, cracked ginseng
동해(凍害) freezing damage (injury)
두둑 bed, ridge
두둑다짐 pressing of ridge side
두둑사이 space between beds (ridges)
두둑짓기 ridging
뒷말뚝 rear pole, rear post, back pole
뒷줄 rear line, back line
들민달팽이 field slug
등록품종(登錄品種) registered variety
등외삼(等外蔘) undergrade ginseng
등줄쥐 striped field mouse
등황숙종(橙黃熟種) orange berry variant
땅강아지 african mole cricket
마그네슘 magnesium (Mg)